No matter what you decide to do about your unexpected pregnancy, you should get an ultrasound.
A medical confirmation that your pregnancy is in the right location, viable and how many weeks you are into your pregnancy is very important for your health.
After receiving a positive result from a pregnancy test conducted at our clinic, you can be evaluated for a FREE limited obstetrical ultrasound administered by our skilled medical professionals. It’s one of the ways we can support you as you work through the decision-making process.
What is a limited obstetrical ultrasound?
A limited obstetrical ultrasound provides you the following information:
- Confirm the presence of a pregnancy, including location (intrauterine/ectopic)
- Estimate gestational age (how many weeks you are)
- Confirm cardiac activity (viability)

If I am having an abortion, do I still need an ultrasound?
Yes, especially if you are planning to have an abortion. You can never be too safe with your health. The abortion options and cost for an abortion will be based on the information you obtain in a limited obstetrical ultrasound. Our service is completely FREE, confidential, and administered by a medical professional under the direction and supervision of a licensed physician.
Is it really FREE or do I need insurance?
Yes! It is completely free!
- No insurance needed
- No verification of income required
- Confidential
- Requires a positive pregnancy test and medical history assessment administered by our licensed medical staff
What can I expect during a limited obstetrical ultrasound?
A registered nurse who has undergone specialized training in sonography will perform your limited obstetrical ultrasound. During the ultrasound, the nurse will walk you through the process and explain the findings.
After the ultrasound is complete, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your nurse. Your support person is welcome to come with you to your appointment.